unique pieces


As always, a protective mother (the hand is there) but not oppressant.

Always a space, a liberty wind between them. The child knows his achievement, his questioning. Her…no. Her role as a mother is being there to allow a cristallisation of the coming project. It is a given to the child from the mother and not from the child to the mother.

Always… yes always there. She is there, no matter the temporary distance or fixed distance. Beside that (through this incarnation each will live more or less dramatically and repeating itself under multiple forms) there is always that scission, that split, that missing… always yes, even if it does not belong to the mother.

Always… this dialog from the mother to the child : from the child to the mother, no matter which words are used, goes directly to the heart.

Always… the souls meet, joining themselves with thin cord, the abyss that separate them.

Pâte de verre. Metal
0,43m- 0,43m- 0,18m
Photographer: Michel Dubreuil