unique pieces

And me the earth…

I remember being fruitful earth, generous, telluric energy of the depths of the magma. I can be these brilliant jewels of purity, the hardness of these mountains, the humidity of the caves, the violence of these volcanoes and the soft warm sands. Origin of life, these salts and minerals still live in me. They run in my blood and my bones and at my last hour, I will return to the ground to feed it.

A Walk to Remember, I vibrate with it … and you with me.

Also, we can not let it be plundered, raped, poisoned for the sake of those who have lost any sense of the sacred, obsessed to trade against the life against ridiculous piece of paper.

Pâte de verre de cristal. Metal.
0,26 m- 0,25 m-0,21 m.
Photographer: Michel Dubreuil.